Design Q & A

Your Design Questions answered!

Email us the specific problem you're having with your DIY project and home interior and we will provide you with suggestions, and resources to move your project forward.

A few ideas of the issues I can help you solve…

  • Furniture placement (sofa, beds, other large key pieces)

  • Rug purchasing — selection and sizing

  • Lighting placement

  • Styling & Accessories

Why you Need it:

  • You prefer your consultations to be via the computer.

  • You are in need of expert design to get you going in the right direction.

What to Expect:

This is an email Q & A consultation completed at the time you schedule. Here is how the process works…

  1. Select a time from my calendar below that will be focused 100% on you

  2. Answer the questions regarding your lifestyle, budget, and room as honestly as possible.

  3. Share with me the conundrum you are experiencing along with images of the space. (up to 5 images up close and from a distance)

I will take all you have shared with me and spend the full hour you scheduled creating a solution specific to you. Once you receive your solution, you will have 30 days to email me questions specific to the problem/area we addressed during your Design Q&A.

* Please be aware that extensive follow-up questions or questions regarding another area, will be charged an additional service fee

What I need from you:

  • Choose a time for me to address your issues below

  • Share with me the details about your issue

  • Send me up to 5 pictures of the area we will be addressing

*All images and issues may be used in future blog posts, articles, and marketing materials. Your identity will always be protected.

Ready to get started?

Book your appointment below and let’s get started on our wonderful journey of design.