Show a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers!

Staging to Sell …

Staging is the art of preparing a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace, making it appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, helping you sell the property more swiftly, and often for more money.

For most of us, a home is our largest purchase and biggest asset. Staging brings insight and helps buyers to see themselves in the property making it their home. Once an emotional connection is made buyers tend to bid fast and high.

At Interiors with Panache, we focus on improving a property’s appeal by transforming it into a welcoming, attractive product that anyone might want.

Who we work with…

We work with Sellers, Investors, and Builders looking to make incredible first Impressions.

Benefits of Staging

- Having an action plan to ready the home for sale
- Print and Internet marketing advantages
- Home is viewed by potential buyers as “well maintained
- Buyers and Realtors love Staged Homes
- Helps homeowners transition into a new home
- Faster Sales Time; Higher Sales Price

The Panache Process…

Our on-site consultation is a pre-listing assessment that will get your home ready to put on the market and we don’t stop there! Our team is there to help you stage, and clear it all away!

Step 1.

The Pre-listing Assessment

We walk through your home with you to develop a pre-staging action plan offering detailed recommendations, along with steps to take to prepare for staging day.

Step 2.

Staging Day

Our team comes in to ensure everything is in its proper place to make the most of the space you are selling.

Step 3.

De-Staging Appointment:

Our design team returns to take care of removing any added furniture and accessories used during the staging process.

“Thank you for helping make our home more beautiful and so much more sale-able! What a blessing!!”

- Mark and Karen of Cary