Reflecting on the Old to bring in the New

Hi There Design Aficionados

I usually take this time between Christmas and New Years to reflect on my goals from the current year that I achieved and what I still have to attain. Then I think about what goals I have for the upcoming year. I don't necessarily have the same goals that I had. Dreams change. They grow sometimes into something new and wonderful.

Most years I reflect on what word that I want to focus on in my life and in my business.

At the beginning of 2022 I was weary of doing it all by myself. I realized I needed to delegate over a few key pieces in my business. I had built my own website and it was great and I was proud of it but... realized in order to take it to the next level I needed to hire someone. Someone who could take it over so that I could better serve today's expectations. A Professional. I delegated my website over to an actual professional website designer.

I'm sure you noticed, but I know you have a lot going on so I’ll recap.

Interiors with Panache received:

  • Re-branding

  • New logo

  • .net to .com

  • Updated and Improved “10 Staging Tips that WOW!”

  • Fresh Design Style Quiz

You see I realized that in order to serve you even better I needed to grow. In order to grow, I needed the help of a PROFESSIONAL. Was it scary? Oh yes it was! but at the end of the day I wanted to continue to serve you! I desire for you is that your home supports your flourishing.

There was a lot on the back end that went into this. A lot of reflecting over this past year. Reflecting on what I wanted for you. You see my whole philosophy is that home ought to serve you . I first mentioned it in It’s Fall Y’all. I want you to flourish in your home.

It ought to encourage your best life. Do you want your mornings to be better? Set your home up to do that. A few years ago we mastered your mornings. So many of you set up coffee bars. Others set up their pantries so their kids could easily make their own breakfast fostering independence and confidence in them.

but, maybe a little like me you don’t want to do it by yourself anymore.

You want your home to support your life and lifestyle, but…

But decor is more than organizing for top efficiency. It’s making it stunningly gorgeous. So that, when you walk in the door after a hard days work you are greeted by a home that takes your breath away. One that invites you in, welcoming you and your loved ones. Yes, that’s right, home ought to make you want to open its doors and welcome in others. That my dear is true flourishing!

Monthly Color Palette

My client, Anne had requested a color consultation for her upcoming living room renovation. She liked my classic, timeless and elegant aesthetic she had seen in a friends home and decided to have a Discovery Call and immediately booked a Design Q & A. While chatting about her likes and dislikes I discovered that Anne had just returned from a trip to Denmark and wanted to create a living space that was soothing, calm and inviting. She was inspired by their Hygge lifestyle. She was ready to open up her home and host friends to play their monthly Mahjong game and hor d’ oeuvres. She was wanting a fresh new look that was light and airy and loved the color blue while remaining a cozy, room with a limestone wood burning fireplace.

In creating Anne’s color scheme I decided that the use of blue would be the jumping off point for her renovated living room. Blue is calming and relaxing color and can shift the mood of a room. With a wide range of shades it made a perfect monochromatic scheme. So I decided that I would use a varying shades of cool, clean blues throughout the room while keeping to the same violet undertone to unify the blues. The limestone fireplace was stunning and a favorite so this a given to stay and incorporate in to the overall plan. This renovation was the perfect time to sand her oak hardwood floors that were showing signs of wear. I chose a weathered oak stain that softens and still looks natural and goes great with the undertones of the fireplace. In every monochromatic room your eye needs a place to rest, so I suggested a couple of creamy white with pink undertones that nod to the limestone as well. With all the cool colors I decided to warm up this scheme with soft gold metallic accents for her hardware and lighting.

Anne is thrilled with the results. We dove into so much more than she expected in the time allotted. She had utilized the my free Design Style Quiz and was ready to get a more personal approach. Anne scheduled a discovery call with me, Fran and from there she quickly decided to schedule a Design Q & A session. We took the next step so that now Anne can keep her project moving having tools that serve her.

At Home with Fran…

In the cold winter months I love to cook warm food, and curl up with a good book. In this way my home supports the way I like to live.

Gather Worthy Recipes

A simple crockpot meal to as a sandwich or even on a tortilla

Sweet Pork

Serve with a simple salsa, and sweet pork sauce

  • 1 Pork should or Boston Butt

    5 T. onion powder

    5 T. garlic powder

    1/2 C. sugar

    1/4 C. salt

    3 T. black pepper

    1 liter of Coca Cola

    2 drops doTERRA Mexican Cuisine Blend

    1. Combine all the dry ingredients, along with 2 drops of doTERRA Mexican Cuisine Blend. Generously coat the port cushion and place in an appropriately sized crock pot.

    2. Pour in the liter of Coca-Cola, turn the crockpot to low and allow to cook overnight or 8-10 hours.

    3. Once the pork has cooked, pull it out of the crockpot, strain, and set aside the liquid.

    4. Shred the pork, placing it back in the crockpot for immediate use or cooling and storing properly for future use.

    5. Note: Set aside the liquid to make the Sweet Pork sauce

  • I use Corn Tortillas for more flavor. Turn on your gas burner on low then lay your torilla on the burner grate and let it slowly warm. Don’t worry if it get slightly charred. It add a depth of flavor that is yummy!

Grab a Good book to curl up with

For years, rumors of the "Marsh Girl" have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. She's barefoot and wild; unfit for polite society. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark. But Kya is not what they say. Abandoned at age ten, she has survived on her own in the marsh that she calls home.

I liked this controversial book, I found it easy to turn the pages. Kya learns how to survive in the marsh and make a good living doing what she lives. I found it interesting that a portion of her first royalty check from the book she writes she makes improvements to her shack. She brings in electricity, plumbing, appliances and more. It is human nature that we want to feather our nests for our own flourishing. No matter who we are or where we live.

Anne started her journey with Interiors with Panache with the Design Style Quiz.

You could too.

Define Your Design Style

Defining your foundational design style is one of the first building blocks to creating your dream home. A home that you are comfortable in. That serves you. A home that supports your flourishing. Getting these first building blocks in place can be a daunting task. There are so many choices.

If you find yourself scrolling thru social media and liking almost everything it can be difficult to determine what elements that speak to you.

My DESIGN STYLE QUIZ located at the top of this blog post can help. It’s different than most quizzes. It’s more than a simple “what’s my style.” It’s chock full of things to excite your senses. This is Panache, after all. It frees you up so that you can flourish in your home. That is what my philosophy is really. Your home ought to support your flourishing.

Take the quiz and get started on your journey to flourishing!


A Coastal Condo Flourishes


Selling during the Holidays?!